Please do not telephone mobile or home unless absolutely necessary.    Homephone: 0049-5503-599

SMS via mobile is better: 0049-160-1832597 for urgent contact!

However I am expecting to change this number soon to 0049-1577-9374700 so it's probably best to try this latter number first.

Best of all is an email to:

Postal address: Wilf Holloway, Bruederweg 6, D-37176 Bishausen



Information on previous books:


BY THE SAME AUTHOR       (English or German information)


Modern Orienteering Training          Standardwork for all Orienteers

Marlborough, GB, 1979


World Class Orienteering            Highlevel Articles for O-Coaches

Harrow, GB, 1980


Schulorientierungslauf                  Standardwerk für Lehrer

Uslar, BRD, 1984


Murder at the 14th Control             Whodunnit, and many O- Stories

Melbourne, AUS, 1986


Orientierungslauf                             Rowohlt Sportreihe für OLer

Hamburg, BRD, 1987


Missing from Moscow                       Love-Story Espionage Novel

New York, USA, 1990


Chessreading Treasure                      Articles, Stories, Anecdotes

Bishausen, BRD, 1993


Winning Chess Psychology (Vol.I)     Scientific Sportsbasis and…

Unterhaching, BRD, 1997


Winning Chess Psychology (Vol.II)    …many very Practical Ideas

Erfurt, BRD, 1998


Fröhlicher Fussball                               Humorvolle Erfahrungen

Bishausen, BRD, 2002


Schlummernde Sehnsüchte                        144 Liebesgedichte


Secret Wishes                                        60 poems, on love, sport, society


Autobiographical Orienteering Anecdotes    True stories from 50 years orienteering






„BEWEGT“ – emotionale Sportmomente hautnah!         Bishausen, 2012         Viele bekannte und unbekannte Gänsehaut Geschichten



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