English books available from Scribe Bishausen


Murder and the O-Thrillers are also described elewhere - fascinating stories, a slightly satirical espionage adventure and a brilliant "Whodunnit" in classical form. You will be amazed at the flexibility and ideas of the writer!


Wilf Holloway`s Orienteering Stories(about 180 pages)

This reorganised book includes all the O-fiction from the original “Murder” collection not now in “Murder and O-Thrillers”. Plus a myriad of interesting and previously unpublished and often amusing real-O anecdotes from 50 years of running, mapping, coaching, controlling and organising local and international events. The ideal bedside book to keep delving into. Superb cartoons by Udo Sobczak.


Modern Orienteering Training(200 pages)

Over 30 years old but still rated by many (experts and beginners) as the best overall O-book around, and newly published 2012. Very few elements have really dated and first edition examples are seen as collectors` gems. This standard work continues to contain practically everything necessary to improve all facets of your orienteering.


World Class Orienteering(about 200 pages)

A collection of articles and analyses by top orienteers and coaches of the eighties, but mostly still relevant for high class orienteers today. This will be republished if there is enough interest, and some features will be added for important modern elements, especially mental training, where Wilf was one of the expert pioneers.


Training Insights (to be completed if enough interest. 140 pages)

Two successful build-up training logs of an orienteer winning national veteran titles. Here are two months of emotion and objectivity, every-thing described to show the background to success. Physical, technical and mental training with time-used, analyses and comments peaking to a major performance by the man who got 6th in the M35 Swiss 5-days and 7th in JK, Britain. Compare concepts to improve your own training and peaking!


Autobiographical Orienteering Anecdotes

Published mid-2014, this book is a collection of real-life anecdotes, mostly experienced by Wilf in 50 years orienteering and all previously unpublished. There are some photos and cartoons, some longer pieces and many shorter, often amusing, pieces. Originally, as with "Orienteering Stories" (almost sold out now) only 200 copies were published first time round.


Chessreading Treasure(220 pages)

A unique collection of stories, articles, ideas, cartoons and anecdotes making up the ideal present for the chessplayer looking for some light reading. A US Grandmaster (wanting analysis?) rated this the worst chess book ever published, and you can`t get a more challenging sort of  recommendation than that – especially when many other people are of an entirely different opinion!


Missing from Moscow(260 pages)

This novel is not only an unusual spy hunt, and an intriguing love story, but also a clever-veiled satire of the whole world of espionage, with many elements to interpret if you are a university scholar rather than a reader simply interested in enjoying a good story. It starts in Germany before the fall of the Wall, and the hero is, of course, an Englishman and runner…


Winning Chess Psychology is probably the most comprehensive work ever written on this theme. Volume I (206 pages, very small print) officially deals with theory but is nevertheless extremely practical compared with other works on this subject. Volume II (233 tightly printed pages) is packed full of very useful applications including all sorts of successful ideas to improve your play and results in competition. Many concepts in these two books have even been praised by participants in world championship tournaments!





Svenska!!  Yes, we’ve even got some O-stories in Swedish!


Hans Livs Lopp   (42 sid)


Some stories from this present English book  -  but  -  pà svenska !

(Hans livs lopp, Brittisk världsmästare, Tidvill, hemmavinnaren, Förverkligas drömmar?, Spring för seger.)


6 originalhistorier publicerades redan 1984 pa svenska. Sedan 20 ar tillbaka gar det inte att fa tag i boken. Ända tills nu!


This booklet is a super present for young Swedish child orienteers. At present only available direct from the author. You can ask for the autographed version when you order! 


Deutsche Bücher von Scribe Bishausen


Schulorientierungslauf (ca.200 Seiten)

Das Standardwerk für Lehrer, aber auch vollgepackt mit brauch-baren Ideen für Vereinstrainer und Übungsleiter:  Anfänger-unterricht, Stundenkonzepte, einfache Kartenherstellung, Turnhallen-OL, Projektwochen, Expertentraining, u.v.m. Wir hoffen, das Buch bald zu aktualisieren, aber die Druckform wird vielleicht vorerst nicht optimal sein. Trotzdem ein interessantes und sehr gelobtes Buch!


Fröhlicher Fussball (143 Seiten)

Hier werden 45 Jahre Tätigkeit als Spieler, Trainer, Lehrer und Schiedsrichter in England und Deutschland lustig wiedergegeben. Fast alles basiert auf Wahrheit und wurde kaum geändert, nur etwas schräg geschrieben mit Witz und Satire. Alle Leser bisher waren begeistert von diesem humorvollen Buch mit tollen Cartoons. Ideales Geschenk für alle Fussballinteressierten - und es soll ja auch wirklich Fussballer geben, die lesen können....


Extra Erinnert – 35 Jahre GSG   (Heft, 48 Seiten)

Ein lustige Potpourri von Wilfs (Sport)Karriere an einer Deutscher Gesamtschule: Erlebnisse, Artikel, Leistungen, Kommentare, Selbstlob, Geschichten, Satire. Oft wird humorvoll erzählt, auch mit köstlichen Anekdoten aus dem Unterricht. Über die Jahre sind eigentlich viel mehr Sachen gesammelt worden und sie sollen irgendwann ein ganzes Buch werden: vorläufiger

Arbeitstitel:  Pädagogisches Potpourri.



Von Timo Holloway


Bewegt – Emotionaler Sport Hautnah (228 Seiten)

Timo Holloways Erstlingswerk:  interessante und teils unbekannte Sportgeschichten, die unter die Haut gehen. Vom unnachahmlichen Schreibstil geprägt, hat der Autor hier etwas sehr Ungewöhnliches erschaffen und bringt den Leser nah an Sportler und deren entscheidende Momente im Leben. Wahre Erzählungen über Topsportler – aber aus sehr originalen Blickwinkeln!







To order books, ask questions or file comments please write to :  W.Holloway, Brüderweg 6, D-37176 Bishausen, Germany or (better and faster)

wilfholloway @ web.de or visit our homepage at wilf-holloway.de

(wilf.holloway.de has not yet been opened).